I glued and I sanded, I filled and I sanded, I painted and I sanded, I painted some more and I sanded, (you getting the idea here? Alot of sanding was involved!) I stained and I waxed and I drilled, and viola` se was finished! Inbetween all that sanding and painting and staining, I took a very long break. *giggle* get it, a break? I broke my rib coughing in early January, and that put a stop to almost all my projects, including this one. I finally felt better this last week or so, so I gave it a whirl, and she was done in no time at all.
Are you ready for the reveal?? Here she is before...
Pretty sad right?! So now on to the good stuff!!
Take a look at her now!
She'll be joining the craigslist party tonight, but in the meantime, I get to enjoy all her prettyness and she is making a sweet little statement in my front room. Makes me smile everytime I walk in there! Until next time...
Here's to Messy Hands and Happy Hearts
That's a cute little table but i love the chalkboard sitting on top of the table, gorgeous!!:)